
Accelerate your career with the most powerful artificial intelligence in music notas

With the freedom that only an independent artist can have

A perfect pack of solutions to accelerate your career

Lots of technology and financial resources without bureaucracy for you to unlock your full potential

plataformas de musica

Digital Distribution

Distribute your next releases on all digital platforms with the best team and technology on the market.

plataformas de musica


Access to digital receivables advances from R$1,000 to R$1 million to invest in your releases.

plataformas de musica

Strm Diagnosis

Analysis of more than 275 vital career criterias through data science and artificial intelligence.

plataformas de musica

Intelligent recommendations

More than 2 million artists monitored worldwide and organized within an intelligent platform that offers powerful insights for your career.

plataformas de musica

Distribute your music to the world’s main stores with Strm

plataformas de musicaplataformas de musicaplataformas de musica
plataformas de musicaplataformas de musicaplataformas de musica
  • Simple and intuitive platform

  • Merlin Member

plataformas de musica

Some artists who have taken off using Strm



Spotify’s news of the week

+47% monthly listeners on his first release with Strm, scoring on Spotify’s news of the week.


Sofi Frozza

Cover of Indie Brasil on Spotify

Strm collaborates and boosts Sofi Frozza to the cover on Youtube Music, achieved with our AI and our methodology.


Talis e Welinton

+1M streams in 30 days

In just 30 days, Talis and Welinton have reached an incredible +1M streams on the platforms, thanks to Strm.



Spotlight on Spotify’s Soft Pop

With Strm’s collaboration, AMARINA managed to put 4 simultaneous songs on Spotify’s soft pop playlist.



+237% growth

237% increase in monthly listeners on Spotify in just 6 months launching with Strm’s collaboration.



Cover on YouTube Music

Strm boosts Malta to the cover of Rock BR on YouTube Music, achieved with the help of our methodology.


O Juh

Spotify editorial playlist

With Strm’s assistance, O Juh has consolidated and entered his first editorial playlist on Spotify.


Alex Cohen

+23% monthly listeners

Within 3 months of the first release with Strm. Alex Cohen has seen a 23% increase in monthly listeners on Spotify.

We are members and associates



Investments from R$1 thousand to R$1 million and personalized recommendations through artificial intelligence

tela do produto
  • The world’s first automated advance

  • Access via your cell phone without bureaucracy

  • Access your advance in a few clicks, easy and practical

  • See how much you have available in seconds

  • Investments from R$1 thousand to R$1 million


Strm career diagnosis

Access powerful and personalized insights into your career through the Strm career diagnosisFree of charge

outra tela do produto
  • My career

  • You will receive a summary of the main information on your current career stage.

  • Strategic Plan

  • Everything you need to know about how to keep evolving.

A macro view of your career
Best practices
Analysis of 275 vital criterias
Catalog analysis
Aesthetic analysis
Best investment
Recomendações inteligentes
ícone Recomendações inteligentes

Intelligent recommendations

Our AI absorbs real-time knowledge from more than 2 million artists and 100 million tracks

on the main music streaming platforms and social networks.

Find out which artist is the most strategic to feat according to your target audience.

tela do produto
ícone labels

Also get to know the Intelligent Recommendations for Labels

Find the next hit in your genre in a matter of seconds.

  • Boost your A&R: Find the next hit song in the specific specific genre or career stage in a matter of seconds.

  • Increase your profitability: Discover the best tracks to be re-recorded in the track ranking.

  • Professionalize your relationship with the artist through Strm indicators.

Major industry players use Strm to make decisions about investing millions of dollars every year in new talent.

universal musicvirgin recordskondzillabrandWarner Musicrede globo
em breve

Coming soon: Strategic connections

Accelerate your career with Strm



  • Connect with the producers and songwriters who are hitting tracks within your genre and career stage.

  • Get access to a personalized and intelligent schedule to get your next releases off the ground.

Start accelerating your career right now!

Distribute now with Strm

artistas de música
A macro view of your career
Best practices
Analysis of 275 vital criterias
Catalog analysis